Firearm Licence Process
Firearm Licence Process:
The Firearms Control Act, 2000 (Act No 60 of 2000), aims at ensuring that a person is competent to possess a firearm. Before any person may possess a firearm, one must obtain a firearm licence from the South African Police Service (SAPS). No generic type licences exist, a firearm licence is firearm and serial number specific.
Competency Process:
Prospective firearm owners must successfully undergo the prescribed test – Demonstrate Knowledge of the Firearms Control Act 60 of 2000 – Units Standard 117705 as well as practical tests (Use of a Handgun – Unit Standard 119649, Use of a Rifle – Unit Standard 119651, Use of a Self-loading rifle or carbine – Unit Standard 119650, Use of a Shotgun – Unit Standard 119652) at an accredited training institution and obtain a proficiency training certificate.
Once in possession of a proficiency training certificate from an accredited training provider or South African Professional Firearm Trainers Council (PFTC) / SASSETA(Safety and Security Training Authority), the applicant may apply to the SAPS for a competency certificate.
Step 1 – Complete the SAPS 517 – Application for Competency (black pen only).
Step 2 – Complete three SAPS Annexure 86 forms – Questionnaire for References (references can be family, friends, colleagues, spouse, wife, etc) black pen only.
The following supporting documentation must be submitted together with the SAPS 86 and SAPS 517 to the Designated Firearms Officer (DFO) situated in the area where you ordinarily reside:
• Three (3) certified copies of the applicant’s official identity document (no passport).
• Two certified copies of all the proficiency training certificates as well as the Statement of Results.
• Two unobscured passport size colour photographs (with a neutron background) not older than 3 months.
Licensing process:
After you have obtained a SAPS Competency Certificate, you must complete the relevant sections of the SAPS 271 form (Application for a licence to possess a firearm). Submit the completed SAPS 271 form to the DFO situated in the area where you ordinarily reside.
The following supporting documentation must be submitted together with the SAPS to the DFO situated in the area where you ordinarily reside:
• Two (2) certified copies of the applicant’s official identity document (no passport).
• A certified copy of all credit card type licenses front and back (if white credit card type) front only if green card type (only if you are the registered license holder). If a private sale and not from a dealer or gunsmith or registered trader, then the private sellers certified copy of id and license front and back (if white credit card type) front only if green card type is required. No private seller details are required when a firearm is purchased from a dealer, guns hop, gunsmith or registered trader or importer.
• Ensure the dealer stock return is attached when a firearm is purchased from a dealer.
• A certified copy of proof of residence (water & lights bill). If the proof of residence is not in the applicants name then a certified copy of the account holder as well as written confirmation that the applicant is indeed residing at the same property is required.
• A certified rental agreement will be sufficient.
• Pictures of your safe confirming that it is indeed installed.
• Two certified copies of all the proficiency training certificates as well as the Statement of Results.
• Detailed motivation – reference letters, membership, dedicated status, shooting activities, endorsements (where applicable), calendars of actual events, confirmation of future and past hunts etc.
In case of an estate – required supporting documents:
• Certified copy of the Letter of Executorship.
• Certified copy of Id document of Executor and Executors letter.
• Transfer letter from Executor stating that the applicant is the heir of the firearm.
• Alternatively, if not the heir, that the heir is not interested in the firearm.
• Certified copy of the deceased’s death certificate and Id.
• Copy of deceased’s license, front and back, if available – alternatively an affidavit from the executor confirming the missing documents
Very Important – Please Take Note:
• Please note that you must submit the application/s at your nearest SAPS.
• No one can submit the licence application on your behalf to the SAPS.
• It is advisable to contact your nearest police station to confirm the days and times they accept applications.
• Please initial each page and sign on the last page of your motivation.
• Please certify all documents after receiving your completed motivation/application and before submission to the SAPS.
• You are required to first apply for a SAPS Competency Certificate before you can apply for firearm licences.